I wasn't quite sure what topic I should pick for today's blog post.
So, a food post shall do. If you're interested in creating a new, healthier lifestyle, continue reading. If not, well, hi anyways.
Current Update: I may have bronchitis. I've been sick for over a month, which is noooo fun. Next weekend, I am going to Virginia Beach. Then to DC, YAY!
So hopefully, I will be all nice and healed before then.
Anyywayysss, enough of my blah blah. Back to the topic!
So most of you girls can eat whatever you want, do whatever you want, and live your everyday life. Some girls like myself, though, must work for it, sadly -_-
So if you are one of them, wanting to shed some elbees, I'll tell ya one thing:
E. A. T.
I cannot express this enough. Lately, i've been seeing pictures that say "pretty girls don't eat" or "no eating = perfect body" NOOOOOO!!!! NO NO NO!!!!!!!!
This just makes me want to scream and shoot the people in society who make girls think that.
First off, I FREAKING LOVE FOOD. I would literally die without it.
Second, if you're trying to lose weight, eating is key!! It speeds up your metabolism to keep it going throughout the day. If you think not eating will help lose the fat, COMPLETELY WRONG. Only causes your body to store fat and metabolism to slow. What does that cause? Weight. Gain.
So for allll of you pretties out there, eat ya food. Eat it. Shove it down.
If you'd like some help with that, well here you go:
Breakfast. Mmm, my favorite. The most important meal for the day!
A glass of cold ice water boosts metabolism in the day. So even if you're not hungry, drink some water. It really helps.
I enjoy smoothies, english muffins with egg beaters, healthy cereal, or fruit.
Lunch. Oh, lunch. Always looking forward to this at school.
Salads, protein bars, carrots w/light ranch, a sandwich, etc. Easy & great.
Dinner. Uh, yum. Eat whatever you want for dinner.
Snacks. These are what do me in. Snacking during the day.
Granola bars, crackers, GOLDFISH!, wheat bread, fruits/veggies. Perf.
Dessert. I allow myself one small dessert a day. Dude, I love chocolate. Who doesn't?! Usually on Friday's or Saturday's, I'll have ice cream.
This is all a very big lifestyle change for me. From ordering cheeseburgers & fries with huge ice creams, to ordering a veggie soup with brown rice.
But lemme tell you; I feel so much healthier. So much better.
To me, it's not about being skinny. It's about being healthy.
And heck, yes. Those nachos and cheese, or that giant brownie is acceptable! LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!! Don't constrict yourself.
Do it for you.
This website is one that discourages girls and I find it terribly disgusting.
Sexy girls eat.
This girl, Jayme Bales, is one of my biggest inspirations. She got her life on track, and I love her advice/ workout videos :)
Well that is all I have for you guys for now. If you're really looking into possibly changing a lifestyle, I recommend MyFitnessPal. Even if you don't wanna lose weight, it has great motivation from people. & you can add me: Lyndsgirl
If I can do it, you certainly can.
Until later,
Lynds xx
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