Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Hello my little darlings, and welcome to my new blog. Alright, so bare with me; I'm new to all of this!

I decided to start blogging because it seems to be what all the hipsters are doing nowwa-days.

Nah, I just wanna keep track of my current life.

If you're reading this, you probably know me personally. If not, well, HI.

So what you can be expecting from this:

Fashion/clothes that I admire-yes, I realize that I am not the queen of any type of fashion what-so-ever; this is MY style, what I like. 

Fitness-I love eating & living a healthy lifestyle. Pinterest really motivates my fat-girl to push through working out ;)

Tips-YouTube is AMAZING when it comes to needing a tip on how to style your hair/makeup. I've been using it forever. DulceCandy87 to the rescue!

Life-I want you ALL to know that yes, there are haters out there. Yes, people will judge you. Yes, you'll feel like sometimes you just don't belong. I have those days. But that's when you just keep your head up & smile for all the reasons that almighty God put you on this Earth; because you're YOU.

SO! With that, you're probably bored now. Some links to my websites:
twitter: Lynds_Girl
facebook: Lyndsey Clos

^^ Whoa, never realized how much I used "Lynds Girl"; guess it's just stuck. 

Much love! 
-Lyndsey xx

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